The Bouquet Of Mountain Runs consists of runs KBK (Kopačnica-Blegoš-Kopačnica), Ratitovec, GM4O, or UPT, and the run on Črna Prst.
Each individual event has its own rules and is announced separately.
All runs shall be successfully passed, only reaching the finish is valid.
At the events, when runs of different lengths are organized, the following are taken into account for The Bouquet:
Men’s category with running start in Železniki
Women’s category with running start in Podlonk
Mountain Marathon of 4 Municipalities – GM4O 42 km
Ultra Pušeljc Trail – UPT 100 km
Important: as an individual competition Ultra Pušeljc Trail is not considered automatically as a completed competition of the Bouquet, but is one of the four parts, which are to be completed.
In case that one of the runs is cancelled due to force majeure, the rest runs are considered.
For regularity of the Bouquet at least two competitions should be carried out each year.
Due to the difficulty of the individual runs in The Bouquet only competitors, who in the calendar year reach the age of 18, are accepted for the runs.
All participants who successfully complete The Bouquet, receive practical prizes and are recorded in a special book kept by the organizers.

FACEBOOK WEB PAGE : Pušeljc Gorskih Tekov